World War I Posters and Photos

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world war i, ii pictures, posters, photos, poets, artists
British War Posters
American Posters
German Posters
Australian Posters
Italian Posters
French Posters
British War Photos
American Photos
German Photos
French Photos
War Poets
War Artists
War Desktop
Website Contents

world war pictures, photos, photographs, poets, artists War Posters features pictures and photos from the first and second world war, from war propaganda posters listed by nationality (also available for sale) to photographs, including a number of colour photographs from World War II. There are also sections dedicated to some of the most famous War Poets, with Wilfred Owen Poems and works by Siegfried Sassoon, alongside War Artists such as Paul Nash.

World War 1 POSTERS

We feature a superb collection of War 1 Posters from, in some cases, carefully restored to their former glory. Alongside the usual army recruitment posters, you can find the Red Cross, United War Campaign and Liberty / Victory loan posters which featured very heavily during the First World War.
These posters are offered as quality reproduction art prints, which can be purchased online.
Some of the artist's involved in the creation of the war posters are featured on World War Pictures.

world war poets, wilfred owen, john mccrae, rupert brooke, siegfried sassoon
Poems and biographies from a selection
of ten leading war poets

World War Poets

The War Poets section follows a number of the most famous world war poets from Wilfred Owen, John McCrae and Rupert Brooke to Siegfried Sassoon and Alan Seeger. Brief biographies are included along with a number of their most famous works. It includes an audio version of Wilfred Owen's, Anthem for Doomed Youth. And the handwritten version of John McCrae's In Flanders Fields.

The Hero by Siegfried Sassoon

war poems, war poet

‘JACK fell as he’d have wished,’ the Mother said,
And folded up the letter that she’d read.
‘The Colonel writes so nicely.’ Something broke
In the tired voice that quavered to a choke.
She half looked up...

[Read Full Poem "The Hero" Here]


World War PHOTOS

World War Photographs cover aspects from World War I and II, including a number of superb American photos shot in colour during WWII. Other nationalities featured, include Britain, Germany and France.

War Photos are available for purchase, based on nationality - please use the navigation panel on the left.

You may also install our free World War Desktop wallpaper based on imagery from the Second World War.


world war i, one artists, john lavery
A look into 22 war artists, including biographies
and samples of artwork.

World War Artists

War Artists takes a brief look into the life and works of twenty artists from the First and Second World War. From London born Paul Nash and Canadian born Percy Wyndham Lewis to Mervyn Laurence Peake, best known for his Gormenghast novels. This section features biographies, and samples of artwork from each artist, with books available to buy.

Unlike the war poets, war artists were nearly always drawn up by the Ministry in an official capacity...


Website design, text and arrangement/modification of images remains copyright of this website,
and may not be copied directly from the site.

Enlist Now, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Enlist Now

Adjust your Respirator, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Adjust your Respirator

Buy Thrift Stamps, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Buy Thrift Stamps

Crewman of an M-3 tank, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Crewman of an M-3 tank

Winston Churchill, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Winston Churchill

Helft uns siegen!, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Helft uns siegen!

Football Battalion, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Football Battalion

world war pictures, posters photos check cart