Seeger] [Charles Hamilton
Sorley] [Edward Thomas]
[Herbert Read] [Isaac
Rosenberg] [John McCrae]
[Rupert Brooke] [Siegfried
Sassoon] [Wilfred Owen]
[William Noel Hodgson]
Captain Charles Hamilton Sorley (1895 – 1915)
 Charles Sorley was born in Aberdeen, Scotland,
and was educated at Marlborough College (as was Siegfried
Sassoon). Whilst at college Sorley was an avid cross-country
runner (a theme that cropped up several times within his poetry).
War Poems by Charles Sorley
Charles Sorley was born in Aberdeen, Scotland,
and was educated at Marlborough College (as was Siegfried
Sassoon). Whilst at college Sorley was an avid cross-country
runner (a theme that cropped up several times within his poetry).
After college Charles studied at Schwerin in Germany up until
the outbreak of the First World War. He returned to England,
joining the Suffolk Regiment, and arrived at the Western Front
in France, positioned as a Lieutenant, rising to the rank
of Captain at the mere age of twenty.
Sorley was shot in the head by a sniper at the Battle of Loos,
October 13th, 1915.
His poetry is seen as the forerunner to Sassoon and Owen,
and his style less sentimental than the works of poets such
as Rupert Brooke. Sorley’s famous last poem ‘When
You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead’ was retrieved
from his person just after death. |