Seeger] [Charles Hamilton
Sorley] [Edward Thomas]
[Herbert Read] [Isaac
Rosenberg] [John McCrae]
[Rupert Brooke] [Siegfried
Sassoon] [Wilfred Owen]
[William Noel Hodgson]
Philip Edward Thomas 1878 - 1917)
 Edward Thomas was of Welsh lineage,
but was born in London as Philip Edward Thomas. He is
one of the most famous English poets of World War I.
Educated at Battersea Grammar School, St. Paul’s
School and Oxford’s Lincoln College, he married
as an undergraduate, and worked as a journalist before
becoming a poet.
War Poems by Edward Thomas
- YES, I remember Adlestrop...
- All day and night, save winter, every weather...
- What does it mean? Tired, angry, and ill at ease...
But these things also
- But these things also are Spring's...
Cock Crow
- Out of the wood of thoughts that grows by night...
If I should Ever by Chance
- If I should ever by chance grow rich...
Lights Out
- I have come to the borders of sleep...
Old Man
- Old Man, or Lads-Love, - in the name there's nothing...
- It was a perfect day...
Tall nettles
- Tall nettles cover up, as they have done...
- OVER the land half freckled with snow half-thawed...
The Long Small Room
- THE long small room that showed willows in the west...
The Manor Farm
- The rock-like mud unfroze a little and rills...
The New House
- NOW first, as I shut the door...
The Owl
- DOWNHILL I came, hungry, and yet not starved...
The Path
- RUNNING along a bank, a parapet...
When First I Came Here
- WHEN first I came here I had hope...
Edward Thomas was of Welsh lineage,
but was born in London as Philip Edward Thomas. He is
one of the most famous English poets of World War I.
Educated at Battersea Grammar School, St. Paul’s
School and Oxford’s Lincoln College, he married
as an undergraduate, and worked as a journalist before
becoming a poet.
When war began, Edward joined the Artists’ Rifles,
though he need not have enlisted due to his age. Much
of his poetry focuses on the English Countryside. He
was killed in action at Arras, soon after arriving in
France, on April 9th, 1917. |