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Rupert Brooke War Poems

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Rupert Chawner Brooke (1887 – 1915)

rupert brooke, wwi war poemsrupert brooke war poem collectionRupert Chawner Brooke was a British war poet, somewhat idealistic and known for his looks. W.B. Years once described him as “the handsomest young man in England.”

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War Poems by Rupert Brooke

rupert brooke, war poet, poemsRupert Chawner Brooke was a British war poet, somewhat idealistic and known for his looks. W.B. Years once described him as “the handsomest young man in England.”

Born in Rugby, Warwickshire, he attended Rugby School where his father was a schoolmaster. He later attended King’s College, Cambridge, where he became one of the ‘Cambridge Apostles’, and made friends with members of the Bloomsbury group.

Brooke struggled somewhat with his sexuality, which often led to a frustrated and unhappy romantic life.

During the First World War, Rupert Brooke was commissioned into the Navy, just after his twenty-seventh birthday, and took part in the Royal Navy Division’s Antwerp expedition. He died on April 23rd, 1915 off the island of Lemnos, in the Argean, on his way to battle at Gallipoli after contracting pneumonia from an infected mosquito bite. His body is buried on the island of Skyros, Freece.

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