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PAUL NASH, War Artist

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[Paul Nash] [Augustus John] [Austin Spare] [Bruce Bairnsfarther] [Alfred Lee] [David Bomberg] [Eric Ravilious] [William Rothenstein] [Leonard Raven-Hill] [Frank Brangwyn] [John Lavery] [Francis Dodd] [Stanley Spencer] [Mervyn Peake] [Muirhead Bone] [Cyril-Bird] [William Roberts] [William Orpen] [Mark Gertler] [Philip Steer] [John Hassall] [Wyndham Lewis]

Paul Nash, official war artistPaul Nash, (1889 – 1946)

Paul Nash was born in London and educated at St. Paul’s School, later studying at the Slade School of Art where he met Mark Gertler, Dora Carrington, William Roberts amongst others. He was influenced by the artist/poet William Blake, and by the paintings of Samuel Palmer and Dante Rossetti.

When World War I began, Paul enlisted in the Artists’ Rifles and went to the Western Front in 1917 as a second lieutenant in the Hampshire Regiment. Just a few days before the Ypres offensive he managed to fall into a trench and broke a rib, and was sent to recuperate in London.

During the Second World War, Paul Nash was employed by the Ministry of Information and the Air Ministry. He died in 1946 at Boscombe, Hampshire.

Paul Nash's Paintings

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wwi, wwii, official war artist UK Buyers

Purchase the Book

Paul Nash
by David Haycock (Author)

The art of Paul Nash drew heavily on William Blake, Samuel Palmer and Dante Gabriel Rosetti, and on Nash's close relationship with the poetry of the English countryside, leading to his characterisation as an 'essentially English' artist. But Nash also produced some of the most imaginative responses by a British artist to the thrilling potential of European modernism, experimenting with abstraction and helping to establish the Surrealist movement in Britain. Nash's consistent advocacy of the avant-garde combined with his passionate attachment to the English landscape established him as one of the most influential British artists of the twentieth century, making this a welcome addition to the Tate's British Artists series.

paul nash, art US Buyers


[Paul Nash] [Augustus John] [Austin Spare] [Bruce Bairnsfarther] [Alfred Lee] [David Bomberg] [Eric Ravilious] [William Rothenstein] [Leonard Raven-Hill] [Frank Brangwyn] [John Lavery] [Francis Dodd] [Stanley Spencer] [Mervyn Peake] [Muirhead Bone] [Cyril-Bird] [William Roberts] [William Orpen] [Mark Gertler] [Philip Steer] [John Hassall] [Wyndham Lewis]

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German Cross

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Flying Fortress

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National Service

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Algerian Horseback

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1918. Souscrivez!

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Britain Needs You

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Emprunt de la Liberation