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Blighters by Siegfried Sassoon

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[Alan Seeger] [Charles Hamilton Sorley] [Edward Thomas] [Herbert Read] [Isaac Rosenberg] [John McCrae]
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By Siegfried Sassoon

THE House is crammed: tier beyond tier they grin
And cackle at the Show, while prancing ranks
Of harlots shrill the chorus, drunk with din;
‘We’re sure the Kaiser loves our dear old Tanks!’

I’d like to see a Tank come down the stalls,
Lurching to rag-time tunes, or ‘Home, sweet Home’,
And there’d be no more jokes in Music-halls
To mock the riddled corpses round Bapaume.

world war poets, wilfed owen, john mcrae...
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Defense Nationale, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Defense Nationale

Tank Corps, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Tank Corps

M-3 tank and crew, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
M-3 tank and crew

Britain and the Jews, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Britain and the Jews

Hero land, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Hero land

A German sniper, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
A German sniper

Winston Churchill, war poster, photo, wwi, wwii
Winston Churchill