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Sonnet: in Time of Revolt by Rupert Brooke

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Sonnet: in Time of Revolt

By Rupert Brooke

The Thing must End. I am no boy! I am
No BOY! I being twenty-one. Uncle, you make
A great mistake, a very great mistake,
In chiding me for letting slip a "Damn!"
What's more, you called me "Mother's one ewe
Bade me "refrain from swearing--for her sake--
Till I'm grown up" . . . --By God! I think you
Too much upon you, Uncle William!

You say I am your brother's only son.
I know it. And, "What of it?" I reply.
My heart's resolved. Something must be done.
So shall I curb, so baffle, so suppress
This too avuncular officiousness,
Intolerable consanguinity.

January 1908.

world war poets, wilfed owen, john mcrae...
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